Posted by: wrathex | December 2, 2013

Dreadbolts and tweeting

3 February 2009 – 11:13 AM

I’ve been tweaking my twitterdeck, I joined Twitter in 2007 and then forgot about it.

I don’t have many followers, and seem to be invisible lol

I’m trying out a variety of blogs, to see the difference between their interfaces and communities, this blog is the 4th blog.

Every blog I have has a different tone and I don’t update them that frequently, however over the next decade the posts should start adding up, as I plan to keep at it doggedly till I peg off.

I fondly call them longterm projects.

I’m also exploring new music, as my life is transforming and a new playlist will do wonders.

At the moment I am literally between the devil and his brimstone on a personal level and am waiting for the
clerk of the court to deliver a summons to stbx, after a 20 year walk together.

Big changes are afoot in my life, I’m excited and scared.

I haven’t been gaming for 3 months, due to the coconut that fell on my head, but soon when all this pot of crock is behind me, I’ll be going gaming like a bat outa hell.

I feel like REM’s boy in a bubble, only difference is the world is wearing the bubble and I’m looking in, trying to make contact but I’m invisible/muted and no-one responds, a very frustrating effort to make new friends and get a life.

I reckon I have another 30 good ones, before the grim reaper starts hanging around drooling, so I’m going to make the best of it.

I absolutely love this blogging interface, easy to use, flows like lava – redhot !

About Dreadbolts
Pangs that travel through the body, causing a painful warp effect in the pit of the stomach.
caused by
– stress, nerves, worry

and now I’m going to tweak this blog’s url link colours !

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